Message of Director

Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change our society & the world. Education is the manifestation of love & most cherished possession. Education drives away ignorance and through illumination it encourage, cheer a man to a righteous though and action. It empowers a woman and & larges the horizon of the mind.

Genius Technical Training Center is a modern educational institute of learning technical knowledge. There is no alternative of learning technical education. I have been trying to teach since 1998 ad.  In my opinion, Genius is a large family. Now we have many members in this family. We want to change our society, unemployment, darkness, gloomy, sorrow such as IT training, online earning & professional proficiency etc.

GTTC cares for the individual development of each and every student. We follow mentor system. An institute is a guide and a company. We have shown the path to success and walked with me along the way. I am so glad that you are able to be expert and skilled person. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I would like to welcome you this unique and noble it training and technical training institute where lives have been transformed and vision have been Nurtured to fulfilled dreams. We are delighted that you considering as a suitable instruction. We are drive by our guiding, providing good quality educational service.

Sometimes I say, learning & earning not only for yourself, it’s for your next generation & for the whole Nation. The three core parameters of our educational philosophy are:-

  • Students are partner, not a customer.
  • Our priority is continuously improvement of education.
  • Education is a lifelong investment and must be easily accessible.


I wish the best of fortune peace and prosperity to all those who contribute to the Nobel task of spreading education and its manifest qualities and objectives. “Be trained be successes” Wish you all the best and stay with us. Allah Hafez.

M.A. Kalam Molla


GTTC, Sylhet.


Contract information:

Genius Technical Training center,  Hannan Shopping Centre, G-Floor, Subidbazar, Sylhet., Website:

Cont.: +8801711-36 06 98, fb-P: gttc98, fb-Id. abul kalam molla.